15 December 2009

the greatest gift of all

Belly shot ( 34 weeks ):

credits: the gift by Fei Fei

I'm checking things off of my “things to do before baby comes” list, but I have the impression I'm in slow motion ... there's so much more to do !!

I’m also really excited to meet my little baby. The excitement is building up a lot and I’m starting to believe the whole slow third trimester thing. I can’t wait to hold my baby!


  1. OMG lien! This page is absolutely incredible!! I know what it's like to want to meet your little one so bad. But hang in there.. before you know it you'll be holding your new bundle of joy in your arms. :)

  2. I love the picture, even if I am a bit jealous. My belly had this size beginning of the second trimester. :-( I was fat fat fat. So enjoy, you look great.


  3. Beautiful page!! Don't worry it will happen before you know it!

  4. Cette page est juste superbe Lien!!!! J'adore!

  5. This comment has been removed by the author.

  6. Ta page est magnifique !!! J'espère que tout se passe bien pour toi ... Pardon pour mon absence ...

  7. Je profite de mon passage ici pour te souhaiter de très bonnes fêtes, un Joyeux Noël ;-))
    Merci LieN pour ta confiance, je suis toujours aussi heureuse de scrapper pour toi !
